Chat GPT Vs Google’s Bard Which One Is Better?

Necessary is the mother of invention as well as innovation. Google and other famous search engines such as Gmail, WhatsApp, YouTube, and so on are owned by American citizens.

India is one of the top users of all such platforms. India is having a large population and youth using these sites. India is a huge size market.

Technology & Teaching

Technology has brought education and knowledge to each and every corner of the world. Earlier it was very difficult to get an education. During covid times, it was next to impossible to educate students from their homes without technology. Smartphones took the place of schools.

Online education is a wonderful gift for students. Even technology has brought the option of working from home.

Technology As A Taboo in Education

India was known as the world’s guru. But still, Indians have given the title of guru to google. This is a very engraving problem instead of teachers or faculties google is solving the doubts of the students.

Some Indian students feel like google knows more than their teachers this might be the cause of teachers losing their value and respect in the eyes of their students.

Technology has reduced patience, learning power, focus, and memory power. None of us is interested in reading books. Books are boring and thus torture for us. Facebook etc. has taken place of books. Technology can be dangerous for future generations.

Technology With New Time

The Internet is the mother of artificial intelligence. Alexa, Google, etc. devices have taken the place of human beings. This leads to a very serious problem of unemployment.

Using machines in place of humans is the Industrial revolution. Reducing labor for production activities and using machines in place of humans are finishing the need of humans and their source of survival also.

With every new invention, human is digging a well for their decline. Such invention is Microsoft’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. Let us discuss everything in detail.


Microsoft Chat GPT

Recently, a chatbot named ChatGPT has been launched by Microsoft company Bing developed by OpenAI. This chatbot is the very advanced version of Microsoft’s Bing. Bing is a search engine which is owned by Microsoft company. Here you can search and get some famous sites listed priority-wise results.

Whereas their new invention ChatGPT is a chatbot software that automatically provides the best possible results. It can do your homework, assignments, and projects even it can solve math problems also.

This is so useful that it reached 100 million users in just 5 days. This ChatGPT chatbot is the fastest platform having a huge user base in a few days only. This is the beginning of future technology. This was initially released on 30 November 2022 and a Stable release on 30 January 2023. The website named


It is a generative pre-trained transformer. Investors like Elon musk and Bills gates have invested in this project. It works like a human. It is an open and free platform for all users.

However, it is having significant drawbacks. ChatGPT suffers from various limitations. “Sometimes ChatGPT writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers.” It is advanced but has defaulted in itself. According to BBC, it is not allowed to give political opinions or do political activism.

For once, ChatGPT resulted in a rap indicating that women and scientists of color were inferior to white and male scientists. The York times labeled it “the best artificial intelligence chatbot ever released to the general public”. Still, it works offline only data till 2021 has been filled in it.

Although, ChatGPT is scary good as Elon Musk said. His competition Google was facing downfall, it may go to its end. Thus, its chief-executive Officer of Google, Sunder Pichai has also announced Google’s Bard in response to ChatGPT.


Google has launched its Bard in response to Microsoft’s ChatGPT. Bard is a chatbot powered by LaMDA. LaMDA is. It is said that it will provide fresh and high-quality responses. It is the future of web searches. Still; Bard is not open to the general public. It is open only to specific users.

Bard is also an advanced version of google. It allows Google to retain its position of its near-monopoly as the best search giant. No like a simple search engine it merely presents other websites that may be containing answers to your questions. This Bard chatbot will try to present the most accurate responses just like a human being.



We can conclude that artificial intelligence is good as well as bad if it does not go into the right hands. AI is scary good. It led to the rise of unemployment. Insite of all this, Technology has brought advancement and development in human civilization. Although there is always the danger that AI may end humans or treat them as slaves.

Google’s Bard and Microsoft’s ChatGPT both are good. But ChatGPT is much more popular and open to the public whereas Bard is slow comer which can be a fast mover in near future.

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