ISRO Launches New Rocket Sslv D2 to Deploy 3 Satellites Into Orbit

Recently, ISRO launched a new rocket named Rocket SSLV D2 to deploy 3 satellites into space orbit.

Indian Space Research Organization competes with NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the American space agency.

Origin of ISRO

ISRO is the Indian government’s space agency having its headquarters in Bengaluru. It was established in 1962.

It operates under the Space Commission and Space Department (DOS) which was established in 1972.
Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) achievements can be read at their


Recent Achievements of ISRO

ISRO touched the sky by deploying 3 satellites into Orbit on 10 February 2023 at 9:18. It has launched into the air from the first launching pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre into a 450 km circular orbit. 


Celebrate ISRO’s Achievement

Today is a very proud moment for ISRO members as well as for Indians.
ISRO tweeted on its official page, “Mission is accomplished successfully. Rocket SSLV-D2 played EOS-0, Janus-1, plus AzaadiSAT-2 into their intended orbits”.
Many congrats to ISRO team members.

SSLV launch pad

SSLV stands for Small Satellite Launch Vehicle SSLV launch pad carrying approximately 600 kg.
It can deploy satellites into the low orbit of our earth. Rocket SSLV-D2 launched 3 satellites recently; this is a very fantastic comeback after the August failure.

Three Satellites

These three satellites were placed into orbits were developed by 750 Indian students.
It will be used to collect data for the production of the commercial microsatellite market. Rocket SSLV-D2 has completed its second mission. Three Satellites are named- EOS-0, Janus-1, plus AzaadiSAT-2. 

These satellites launch will help the Indian agency ISRO to grow her fame in this world. India and her space agency will be left NASA behind. ISRO will be number one in near future. India is growing and developing day by day. proud to an Indian.

Jai Hind! Jai ISRO!

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